The Graduate Student Speaker Series provides the opportunity for graduate students to present their research on campus, gaining valuable experience and feedback. This series is open to all members of the ESF and SU communities.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
This GSA series focuses on young researchers who are conducting outstanding research that has broad relevance and has demonstrated leadership in the field.
Past GSA Speakers
2012 - (SP) Jorgen Randers is a professor of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School and a practitioner in the field of future studies. His research interests are on climate issues, scenario planning and system dynamics within the field of sustainable development and in response to climate change and global warming. From 2005-2006 he led the Norwegian Commission on Low Emissions and presented a report demonstrating the possible reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Norway by 2/3 by 2050. He is the author of 2052 - A Global Forecast for the Next 40 Years (2012.)
2012 - (SP) Gavin McIntyre is a Co-founder of Ecovative Design. He and his business partner, Eben Bayer, were fascinated by mushrooms growing on wood chips, and observing how the fungal mycelium strongly bonded the wood chips together. This inspired them to think of new ways of using mycelium as a resin. They formulated a new process for binding together insulating particles, creating some remarkable materials that could replace Styrofoam™. Rather than just decreasing the environmental impact of conventional polystyrene foams, this invention created a whole new paradigm where composite materials are literally grown, harnessing the incredible efficiency of nature.
2012- (SP) Peter Reich is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and F.B. Hubachek, Sr. Chair in Forest Ecology and Tree Physiology, Resident Fellow, Institute on the Environment (IonE) at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Reich's research focuses on the impacts of global environmental change on terrestrial ecosystems. This includes effects of climate change, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, other air pollutants, land use/management, fire and biotic invasion on health, biodiversity, and sustainability of forest and grassland ecosystems both in Minnesota and globally. His work simultaneously attempts to bridge the fields of physiological, community, ecosystem, landscape, and global ecology.
2012 - (SOTSOG) Benjamin Walther is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Science, University of Texas -Austin. Biogenic carbonates such as fish ear stones (otoliths), bivalve shells and coral skeletons contain valuable chemical information that can be used to answer pressing ecological questions. The natal origins and migrations of highly mobile species such as diadromous fishes can be deduced using trace element and isotopic signatures in otoliths. Conversely, proxies recorded in stationary organisms can inform reconstructions of historical variation in environmental conditions, including floods, droughts and upwelling. Together, these approaches provide novel insight into variation in habitat residency patterns of migratory species as well as fluctuations in habitat quality. This talk focuses on case studies of quantifying fish migration patterns and environmental parameters in North America and Australia to illustrate the versatility of chemical proxies in biogenic carbonates.
2011 - (SOTSOG) Bernardo Aguilar-Gonzalez, an ecological economist, environmental lawyer, and the Director of Fundacion Neotropica. Mr. Aguilar-Gonzalez specializes in ecologically responsible development in Latin American. This event was co-sponsored by the department of Environmental Studies.
2011 - (SP) Dr. Joan Roughgarden, a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences from Stanford University. Dr. Roughgarden's research challenges a major tenet of accepted evolutionary theory: sexual-selection. This event was co-sponsored by the department of Environmental and Forest Biology.
2010 - (SP) Dr. Robert Costanza is currently Professor and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS) at Portland State University. He is the Founding Director of the Gund Institute and the former Gund Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont.
2009 - (SOTSOG) Dr. Ben Zuckerburg, UW-Madison, focuses on how modern climate change and habitat loss drive changes in the wildlife behavior, abundance, and distribution.
2009 - (SP) Dr. Ariel Lugo, is a scientist, ecologist and Director of the International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) within the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, based in Puerto Rico. He is a founding Member of the Society for Ecological Restoration and Member-at-Large of the Board of the Ecological Society of America
2008 - (SOTSOG) Dr. Bridget Bergquist, University of Toronto, research focus is to increase our understanding of the biogeochemical cycles that are important for life on Earth and how these cycles have evolved over time through the use of trace metal and stable isotope geochemistry.
2008 - (SP) Dr. David Pimentel, Professor emeritus at Cornell University, ecologist and author of a series of projections of impacts of human population growth on global carrying capacity.
graduate student speaker series
2012 - Emily Gates - "Making the Landscape Visible - The Role of the Museum"
2012 - Meghan Holtan and Lindsay Perez "The Art(!) and Science(!) Behind the Syracuse Bike Plan"
2012 - Will Helenbrook "A Tale of Anthropogenic Disturbance: How Forest Degradation and Human Proximity toMantled Howler Monkey Populations Influence Parasitism"
2012 - Anand Chaudhary "The South Asian Vulture Crisis and Conservation Effort"
2012 - Anna Stewart "Social and Ecological Drivers of Vector-borne Diseases in Latin America"
2012 - Sara Hansen "Howling Outside the Box: Estimating Abundance of an Elusive Northeast Carnivore"
2012 - Michael Amadori "From Food Waste to Fresh Food: Using Aquaponics in a Closed Loop System for Campus Sustainability"
2011 - Katie D'Amico "A greenhouse bioassay method for assessing ectomycorrhizal associations of a transgenic American chestnut (Castanea dentata)"
2011 - Ben Ballerstein "Collective Footprints: Sustainability in Cooperative Housing"